Thursday, August 08, 2002

A Personal Letter From My Previous Band Major

Nur Ayuni Affandi Salleh
Band Major (2001-2002)
Northland Secondary School Symphonic Band

8th August 2002

Muhammad Jasrie
Band Major (2002-2003)
Northland Secondary School Symphonic Band

Dear Jasrie

First of all, congratulations on your promotion to this prestigious post as the 7th batch of Band Major. I would not fool you by saying that this post is an easy one, trust me as it requires much more than just physical labour. Since you are the most important and influential person in the band, therefore, you need a lot of courage and patience!

This post carries more responsibility than any other post in the band. Not only do you have to do administration works, but also tasks that are usually handled by the teachers. At times, you may be a bit unsure when wishing up your mind to make decisions. So whenever, you come across this type of situation, always think what is best for the band, and DO NOT make decisions of the band's choice. Always make decisions by yourself. If you need some opinions, helps and also advices, you can always call your ex-majors up to seek for some fruitful advice.

Since you are the leader of the band, members will tend to automatically look up to you for guidance and also answers that they seek for. Very often there will be lots of disagreements between you and the members.
(especially seniors and committees) and also not forgetting the teachers. But no matter what, just hold you head high and don't get easily upset by all these things. Its part of learning. You are the Band Major, you should assert authority at the right time and DO NO let anyone over-rule you except for the teachers and instructors. However, should you be making any mistakes, don't hesitate to apologise. People do make mistakes... including a Band Major.

During the early stage of the Band Major's life, you might have ease co-operating with members. But as time pass by, you might not be able to take the stress that the members pushed to you. At this moment, you have to be strong and instill the confidence in yourself. Once the confidence is in your soul, it will remain where it is. Don't ever think that you are new and have no power. You MUST BE ABLE to undertake the stress as a Band Major. Band teacher are quite a problem at times but ALWAYS remember, NEVER and NEVER contradict with the teachers but compromise and compensate.

As a Band Major, it is your responsibility to improve the band as well as music wise of the band too. Since we got a silver medal 2 years ago, I just hope that the band can keep the title. I know it is now easy to control or make the members practice on their own. But always remember... be firm and strict always. the most important thing is, believe in yourself.

You must always remember that you, as a Band Major, represent the band. You are the symbol of how succesful the band can be and the standard of discipline the band has. Always organize things way before hand. Do not come out with a very rush idea. Have a small notebook, especially for your reference. Have you own Band Major file, meaning your personal file for the band.

Jas... next year is a very big year for the band. I hope that you have realized it long before hand. Therefore you really have to work hard. Come for FREQUENT SECTIONAL PRACTICE. I know its not easy to juggle well with both your studies and as a Band Major. No matter what, studies comes first ok! Do not be like me.. spend too much time in band and also too stressed up, until my studies go down the drain. I don't wish this to happen to you.

Some tips for you to learn here. Try to establish a good relationship with everyone in the band, especially the committees as they are the ones who are going to work and co-operate with you. In this way, your job will be easier. Respect comes in both ways. If you respect them, they will also respect you in the same manner. When you go for NCO Camp, make as many friends as possible as you could benefit from it.

Don't ever lose faith on yourself, because if you did you have lost. We do not have to a gold band, but a good band.
Sincerely... hope that this letter has got some use to you. My hopes for the band are all on your shoulders. Best of all juniors... Take care Jas.

Yours Truly

Nur Ayuni
Saxophone Section
Band Major (2001-2002)

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