Monday, September 16, 2002

Song dedication

This past week has been quite plain, nothing outstanding had happened, except that 2 of my friends who were best friends did not talk to each other this past week. They are in conflict with each other as they accused each other for not doing their task in the group project. Now im involved and its my duty to straighten things up and make sure that they are best friends again for time to come. My friend and i will be asking them to meet up at MacDonalds to have a little "chat". Oh boy, its gonna be a long chat , with so many things to talk about but in the end i just hope that they are friends again.

This week in band, nothing much has happened. A flute has been lost!! Previous weeks, a clarinet was lost too! What bad luck i have as a Band Major. Just elected this year and these thing happened. Someone must have gotten in the band store and stole the instruments and mind you, they are not cheap. If the thief stole it and sold it to another person, he could make a lot of profits.

This is a song dedication to my friends who are in conflict with each other :
"Affirmation" by Savage Garden

I believe the sun should never set upon and argument
I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good becuase they are bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty megazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone
I believe in Karma what you did is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love until you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you dont know what you've got until you say goodbye
I believe that trust in more important that monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness

Class of 3E2 (2002) Description of my class:

Can be creative
Has the potential of being very united as a class but i dunno how to unite them
I still prefer my previous year's class, though as time goes by, I feel more attached to my present class.
Pervert at times.
Carefree. Relax in doing school work (Unlike our counterparts, 3E1, full of geeks and nerds, struggling to keep their heads above water.)
I had a alot of good and bad experience while in my class, making me a wiser person, (unlike our counterparts, 3E1, always studying. All they know are mathematical formulas, logics, and perfection)
Fun class to be around.
Less stress than our counterpartsClass of 2E2 (2001) Description of the class:I miss the good ol' days being in that class
Some of you may have noticed that some of my friends were not in the 2002 picture coz' they have promoted to a better class.(BAH!)

The sense of ~uhmuhm~ is still there, i could be in that class but an unfortunate thing happened that changed my life radically.
Always studying and reading, procrastinating worrying and rule abiding students

Monday, September 09, 2002

Oh My Gosh!!

Yesterday, I slept at around 11pm. I have school tomorrow but I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking and asking myself what must i do to discipline the band.
I thought of many ways, from threats to earning respect to plain old shouts. Then I thought of one good strategy that would not enable me to shout but they will respect me and discipline at all times when someone is making announcement to the band. As you know, i dont like to shout and im a very cheerful person. I feel bad if i make someone unhappy and hate to see them suffering but what can i do, im a Band Major and i must do something to discipline band. This is my plan:

When im in front of the band, and when the whole band is not paying attention of the person in front of the band, I will start counting upwards. The number where i stop is the number of push-ups or pumping the whole band owes me when they do drilling. The first 3 numbers are not counted and I start counting but on the 4th number and so on, they will all owe me rounded up.

Today, I tried this strategy and i had no choice. Guess what? It worked!! Out of the blues, i started counting and they immediately responded and quickly kept silent. They know that something bad would happen to them if i count. I explain what would happen to them and also i was shouting to them! I couldnt believe it that i started shouted in an angry tone for the first time in front of the band! Soon after explaining about the new discipline technique and after a few announcements, the whole band started to make noise again and its getting louder and louder. Again, i counted loudly up to 3, since they all kept quiet at the count of 3. It was a success. This is the first time that i made a band quiet at my command!

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

NCO Precamp Log: Day Three

NCO Precamp Log: Day Three

Today is the last day of the NCO precamp training. We practised the score called "Grease" and it was great!
The music was beatifully played and arranged. Im sure that our parents who were crazy about Grease during their time would enjoy our playing.

Anyway, today was enjoyable indeed partly because it's the last day of the training and now i can relax!!
My section got each other's contact number just to keep in touch and they are band majors from Beatty Secondary School, St Nicholas Girls School, Si Ling Secondary School and many others. I made some friends along the way, especially my partner who played the same trombone part.

Technically in playing music, i have improved tremendously and i can sight-read a score better and my techniques are improving.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

NCO Precamp Log: Day Two

NCO Precamp Log: Day Two

Everything went fine. Nothing special, though we tried to play the four-page score, "Grease" and its really tough. I have confidence that I will master that score in about a month and a half, when the real NCO camp starts in November. Tommorrow will be the last day of the precamp and then ill be able to enjoy the rest of my holidays with my friends.

Monday, September 02, 2002

NCO Precamp Log: Day One

NCO Precamp Log: Day One

Today marks the first day of my NCO Precamp training. This precamp training is a three-day camp, whereby Band Majors of different schools from all over Singapore attend this precamp. During this three day period they are to know each other in their own respective section and they are given scores that they are suppose to practise for 2 months before the real NCO camp training starts, which is in November.

Today, is pretty interesting. Everybody was nervous when they were there, and the location of the precamp was somewhat inaccessible. There are not much public transport that will take you there. The most convenient mode of transport was by taxi, which is extremely expensive.

Anyway, the instructors were not bad, kind and understanding, but the scores in which were given were very challenging. We were given some professional marching pieces and a concert piece called "Grease" based on the original movie that our parents went crazy about during their time.

My section is alright. It takes time to get along with each other and im sure that we will get to know each other when the real camp starts. Im playing 3rd trombone part which is quite disgraceful, I mean that part was supposed to be really easy and the notes very low but nevertheless, I was surprised that the notes on the scores given were quite high for a third trombonist.

After this precamp, I have to concentrate on the pieces that were issued and hopefully I would have mastered it in 2 months time, November, when the real camp starts. It will be a five day camp, but not overnight stay. We start off in the morning and dismissed by evening. Gonna be tiring and quite embarrassing if you do not practise your individual parts. Hope the best and farewell.