Friday, May 09, 2003


respect (HONOUR) noun [U]
1 politeness, honour and care shown towards someone or something that is considered important:
You really should treat your parents with more respect.
She has no respect for other people's property (= She does not treat it carefully).

2 when you accept that something which is established or formally agreed is right or important and do not attempt to change it or harm it:
In their senseless killing of innocent people, the terrorists have shown their lack of respect for human life.
She grumbled that young people today have/show no respect for the law.

3 when you accept that different customs or cultures are different from your own and behave towards them in a way which would not cause offence:
She teaches the students to have respect for different races and appreciate the diversity of other cultures.

Respect, another foundation to the formation of friendship. Yet, it is also another important word and principle that i hold on to.

Whether it is respecting your parents, your family, your privacy, your elders or your friends, it means the same thing, to show care. In terms of friendship, it is one of the basic foundation. Respect goes in 2 ways. You have to treat your friend respect in order to get the respect you deserve in return.
Once respect is established, other factors are added in. Trust, companionship, reliability, dependence, and a sense of comfort.

It is good that you treat your friend as a unique individual. It means that they way you behave in front of your friends, the way you talk and the response you give must be unique to each individual and suit his or her needs. Meaning that the way you talk to friend A is different than the way you talk to friend B. If you manage to do this, your friend will feel comfortable in his or her comfort zone and he or she does not have to adapt to your style of communication. He or she will feel special and talking to the person.

It's good to tease your friends once in a while, but teasing has its limits. Make sure your friend feels fine after a good tease and make sure that he doesnt take the teasing too seriously, after all it is just plain fun, no harm done. Make sure that after a good tease comfort him or her that you are not betraying him and make sure that he or she still has that measure or respect for you before and after the tease. Instill confidence towards your friend that you can still be depended on your friends.

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